I don’t care who were you

10 Feb

It’s right that I don’t know your past, I don’t know if you put a GDP for your teeth or if you had an ugly hairstyle… But now I see your face’s features and every single golden point in your eye !


7 Jan

There are always people watching you silently…

Reading what you write …

Watching your mood …

Trying to understand you …

Without talking to you …

So congratulation  to have someone watching you every day   Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

“Shahrazad al khalij”

what are you looking at?!

7 Jan

I used to see her everyday in school, always on her wheelchair,

her face shows some features of sadness and concern. They give her a tiny board to write on in classroom but she never do like it; she doesn’t want to feel inferiority comparing to her classmates. Everyone looks at her when rolling her wheelchair in the hall, “what are you looking at?”, she screamed in their faces. Despite the people’s talk, she was strong, never shows any fears or dull, completely convinced in God mercy and wisdom. She knows that it wasn’t her faults, and even so… whatever!

I don’t know how could she afford seeing others walking on two feet while she is using a wheelchair that is likely uncomfortable and annoying to use.

Every time I see her I just smile in her face and thank God in my heart for health.

Thank you God for keeping this precious gift.

Enjoy your health before you loose it.

My love, Iman

Strange !

7 Jan



Because our hearts can guide us to the wrong decision.


A magical  LEGEND can start from one word: Love ❤

It’s a simple word but a quite wide space where do dreams come from and do souls meet and cuddle before we were even born.

It’s just a strange feeling, it is! That you are ready to spend your whole future life with just one person… One who knows how do I feel toward him and knows how to listen to my heart when I’m silent so I don’t need to talk anymore. He knows very well how to hug me that I stop feeling anything else just his charming heart, tender arms and warm breath.

Hope to find you someday, my sweet love ❤

So we met

7 Jan

That’s how we met and that’s how we say goodbye

Have you seen how does winter stamp on all the nice things we ever have ?!

My new start

6 Jan

In name of God

Peace be upon you 🙂 

Hi everyone ❤

This is a very great site to write ans share, therefore I choose it to have a new start in my writings, especially in English and some Arabic. I hope you enjoy reading but just give me a little time to get up with it ^^”

it’s somehow very hard to use for me.

Keep smiling, and have a nice day 🙂

Yours, Iman ❤

For how long?!

5 Jan

However I will live without YOU

I Wont let anyone hear my screaming… especially YOU!

I am trying to forget YOU but I CAN’T… because YOU are the nicest person I ever met…

GO, let me alone, waiting for YOUR coming hopefully,, and I trust in God.