what are you looking at?!

7 Jan

I used to see her everyday in school, always on her wheelchair,

her face shows some features of sadness and concern. They give her a tiny board to write on in classroom but she never do like it; she doesn’t want to feel inferiority comparing to her classmates. Everyone looks at her when rolling her wheelchair in the hall, “what are you looking at?”, she screamed in their faces. Despite the people’s talk, she was strong, never shows any fears or dull, completely convinced in God mercy and wisdom. She knows that it wasn’t her faults, and even so… whatever!

I don’t know how could she afford seeing others walking on two feet while she is using a wheelchair that is likely uncomfortable and annoying to use.

Every time I see her I just smile in her face and thank God in my heart for health.

Thank you God for keeping this precious gift.

Enjoy your health before you loose it.

My love, Iman

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